Friday, April 18, 2014

Globalized Pop Music Readings

Hey everyone!  For my teaching project, I am assigning the following readings. Each of the articles below are from the February 2004 issue of European Journal of Cultural Studies. You can download the PDFs by following this link (you’ll be asked to sign in through the library), then finding February 2004 through the "All Issues" button.

1. Boomkens, Renè, “Uncanny Identities: High and Low and Global and Local in the Music of Elvis Costello".  Read only 59-64 (top of the page); 70-73 (end). 

2. Frith, Simon, “Does British Music Still Matter?: A Reflection on the Changing Status of British Popular Music in the Global Music Market". Read only 44-46 (“There’s much I could say” to the chart on 46); 51-52 (“The second point” to “for anyone else at all”).

3. Kooijman, Jaap, “Outside in America: George Michael's Music Video, Public Sex and Global Pop Culture”.  Skim/Skip 29-32 (start reading again at “Critique of American Normativity”), and 35-37 (start again at (“Consumerism and Global Pop Culture”).
Elmo and Elvis Costello hope you have a nice weekend.

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