Thursday, April 3, 2014

Global Consumers

John Hartley brings up a few important areas for interdisciplinary and international comparison in his short introduction titled "The New Economy, Creativity and Consumption." The first of which is noticing that there is a change in the way that producers and consumers relate to one another. Previous models of this relationship have involved passive consumers that simply accept whatever producers place out into the market. However, for a number of reasons this relationship has changed greatly. Now consumers are no longer passive. They actively engage with the products and content produced, this is especially true within the entertainment industries. As markets continue to expand globally producers will have to learn how to listen not only to their local consumers but those all across the globe as well.

This video made by Nielson Co. shows that the global consumer is becoming a larger factor in many producers business models. The video attempts to show producers the market that they are missing out on by not understanding their global consumers. As technology gives us the ability to communicate and interact more easily with people all over the world it is obvious producers will increasingly attempt to reach those consumers with their product. But they first have to understand what those consumers want because as I mentioned above consumers are no longer as passive as they once were. This video is meant to inform producers of exactly how the global consumers acts. And it is just one example of this new emerging market.

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